A HIGH-FLYING primary school is celebrating achieving top marks following a recent visit by Ofsted inspectors.

Highfields Primary School, in Manningtree, is one of only three north east Essex primary schools to keep its ‘Outstanding’ rating after the watchdog put a tougher framework in place in 2019.

Inspectors found pupils at the school “have a love of learning”, adding: “Classrooms are quiet, purposeful places because learning is interesting”.

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Ofsted said youngsters achieve “exceptionally well” in all subjects, with leaders at the school having “high aspirations for all aspects of school life”.

Inspectors added: “Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the school.

“The exceptionally wide range of extra-curricular activities for pupils includes interesting visitors and visits out of school.”

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Hilary Cook, headteacher, said: “As head, I am hugely proud of the continued outstanding judgement of my school.

“This requires enormous dedication from every staff member and building a team ethos that ensures job satisfaction for all.

“I pride myself in knowing all my 320 children’s names and taking a personal interest in their learning and well-being.

“Children achieve very well academically, but I truly believe in the value of rich, first-hand experiences and wider extra-curricular activities that encourage the creativity of children in music, art and sport.”

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