A TOP class school is celebrating after retaining it’s ‘outstanding’ rating from inspectors.

Great Bentley Primary School was handed the top grade following an Ofsted inspection last month.

It was the school’s first inspection since being rated by Ofsted as outstanding in 2015.

The report said pupils receive an “exceptional education” at the school.

It added: “By the time pupils leave the school in year six, they are confident, articulate and knowledgeable young people.

“Leaders expect nothing but the best from pupils.

“They live up to these expectations and develop wide ranging knowledge, skills, and experiences.

“Pupils love coming to school and learn extremely well.

“Throughout the school, pupils behave extremely well. They are polite and are kind to one another.”

Tracey Caffull, executive headteacher, said the rating was a massive boost for the school as only 13 per cent of schools retain an ‘outstanding’ grade.

She added: “I am incredibly proud and a little emotional if I am honest, of our school.

“The children were amazing. They spoke openly and proudly about their school.

“They acted with exemplary behaviour, demonstrated great curiosity about learning and as expected were able to share great work in their books.

“It was also commented on how kind, compassionate and accepting they were of all differences between us. Simply put, they Shone.”

Mrs Caffull added that the view of parents was “fabulously positive” and she thanked them for their support.

She added: “We acknowledge that we will never get everything right, but parents stated how we cared and are committed to working with you for the best outcomes of the children.”

“I would like to thank the whole staff team. Day in and day out this wonderful group of people dedicate themselves to motivate, inspire, care for as well as teach our children.

“They are never satisfied with ‘this isn’t working’ and are always seeking to think outside the box to find solutions.

“It is an absolute privilege to work alongside these professionals every day.

“Great Bentley Primary School has achieved the double and remains an outstanding school delivering exceptional provision.”