East Bergholt High School staff plead for a zebra crossing to protect students.

Due to the busy, dangerous road directly outside East Bergholt High School, staff have been increasingly concerned about the safety of pupils who are crossing. The school has been trying to persuade Suffolk Highways to install a zebra crossing near the school, to try and protect students walking home. The local council and some worried residents lobbied Suffolk Highways but didn’t get very far, even after a boy was knocked over.

The B1070 road is incredibly hazardous, especially when students are arriving or leaving school. One teacher stated “I’ve been thinking, whilst being out on duty at the front gate, that cars drive way too quickly past the school when our students are entering and leaving.” In addition to this, there are many parked cars making crossing much more difficult, particularly for younger year groups. Some drivers have even been described as ‘hostile’, jeopardising the safety of students.

Luckily, a crossing will be put in when the houses are built next to the surgery, but the placing of the crossing has been described as ‘far from suitable’. In addition to this, many other schools have 20mph speed limits to ensure the safety of their students, but the zebra crossing won’t have one. 20mph speed limits have been recognised as beneficial by bodies such as the World Health Organisation, and would be a major safety improvement for students.

East Bergholt High School will continue to try to persuade Suffolk Highways to install a suitable zebra crossing outside the school to provide a safe area for students to cross.