A KINDERGARTEN which was handed an inadequate rating has bounced back after it made significant improvements.

Lexden Lodge Kindergarten, Colchester, was handed the damning rating in April this year following an inspection by Oftsed. 

Prior to the inspection it had been considered to be an outstanding education establishment. 

When Ofsted conducted a report on the premises in April, officials criticised "uninspiring" activities and poor behaviour of children, who were found throwing objects around the room.

It meant the nursery, which caters for children up to the age of four, was rated as inadequate by inspectors, who said staff had to take action to improve the quality of education.

When Ofsted revisited Lexden Lodge Kindergarten last month, they recorded significant improvements which, officials said, was partly down to the vast reduction in the number of children on the roll, which is now at 137.

It previously had 228 children on the register.

In the most recent inspection, officials noted children are "keen and excited learners" who are encouraged to develop their independence.

The Ofsted report also details how children were kind and caring towards one another, with staff using "positive language to help to develop children's confidence and self-esteem". 

One paragraph of the report went into greater detail regarding the improvements made by staff, it said: “Managers and staff have worked hard since the last inspection to meet the actions raised and improve the provision and outcomes for children.

“Staff have completed a range of training, including about behaviour management strategies.”

Parents also had praise for the kindergarten, which inspectors said had improved its safeguarding arrangements so the safety and well-being of children was assured.

Responding to the improved rating, a spokesman for the Lexden Lodge Kindergarten said: “These past two years have been extremely challenging and has brought unprecedented pressure not just for our nursery, but for the care industry as a whole.

“We’re extremely pleased to see that our unity and hard work has been rewarded with this latest recognition given by Ofsted.”