HUNDREDS of pounds have been raised for a charity which supports people with learning disabilities.

The Tiptree early Christmas fair was held in the Tiptree community centre to raise money for the Mencap charity.

The organiser, Evelyn Hicks from Tiptree, hoped to raise awareness and money for the organisation.

There were lots of stalls selling a range of items from Tiptree-based small businesses including Emmys crystals, the Tiptree Community Fridge and Carol's Charms.

A total of £390 was raised for Mencap at the fair and £165 was raised for the Tiptree Community Fridge, which aims to help residents who are struggling with the cost of living.

The money raised for Mencap will help the charity to continue funding research, campaigning, holding programmes and more for people with disabilities.

Evelyn held a sunflower competition earlier in the year to raise more money, which brings the total to £570 she has raised.

She was inspired to do something for Mencap because of the support it gave her daughter-in-law's family.

Her daughter-in-law's sister suffered from Rett Syndrome and used the services from Mencap until she died.

When her son was married last year, he made an emotional speech about the organisation which, she said, “made everyone cry.”

Since then, she has made it her mission to highlight the work Mencap does as she believed the charity had been forgotten.

Evelyn felt the fair was a success and she is now considering future events.

READ MORE>>> All you need to know about the Christmas shopping event raising funds for charity

She said: “The fair was well attended and everyone had a good time.

“The total on the day was £390, with sunflowers at the summer competition the final amount is £570 which I will give over.

“For me, the whole event was making sure there is an awareness of Mencap and then showcase local skills of others.

"People want me to do it again next year so watch this space.”