Mischief Comedies new Dark Comedy ‘Good Luck Studio’ made its debut at The Mercury Theatre in Colchester on September 30th 2022. The company is also known for ‘The Play That Goes Wrong’ which won best new Comedy at the 2015 Laurence Oliver Awards and the BBC comedy series ‘The Goes Wrong Show’.


The play is a Dark Satirical Comedy which was Written by Henry Shields and directed by Henry Lewis which follows the final hour of filming a fictional children’s show ‘Wibble The Dragon’, but time starts running out when a failed actor shows up with a gun, bomb threats and a vendetta.


With a show to film, actors bored with their roles, a director who hates his cast, a medic who is more interested in bourbons and model planes than helping, an audience of angsty children, a hostage situation and more people being shot by the minute will they finish the show with any survivors?


The play lives up to its predecessors and has multiple laugh out loud moments which are played out perfectly by the actors. Including some faces you may recognise if you have watched the BBC series such as Byrony Corrigan and Greg Tannahil. But they are also joined by new stars such as my personal favourite Jemma Geanaus who plays the character ‘Elizabeth’ who is desperate to get an injury on the job to get some paid leave!


The show was a great success achieving at 4-star rating from britishtheatre.com and one Audience member Albert Teatheredge says ‘Slayed absolutely slayed. Nonstop humour, a perfect farce.’
I personally think the play was amazing and very funny and is definitely worth the watch.
You can view all of their tour dates on their website www.mischiefcomedy.com


This Adult take on a children’s show demonstrates everything that a children’s show shouldn’t be. Since it is a Dark Comedy there are some potentially triggering aspects which are available to see if you feel as though this could be a problem for you. Please be aware that this does have multiple spoilers included https://www.mischiefcomedy.com/our-work/good-luck-studio/content-warnings .