DIDDY dancers have raised thousands of pounds for a miscarriage charity after cutting shapes in colourful costumes.

Babyballet Colchester stars aged between six months and six years took part in an exciting danceathon between October 17 and 22 on behalf of Tommy’s.

The tiny toe-tappers, from Colchester, Weeley, and Manningtree, initially set out to raise £3,000, but ended up generating a whopping £7,100.

Miss Kelly, from the dance class company, said: “We are absolutely blown away by the fundraising efforts of our babyballet stars and their families.

“We are incredibly proud and over the moon.”

Nationwide research centres belonging to Tommy’s investigate everything from miscarriage and stillbirth to premature birth.

The charity’s work is driven by the fact one in four parents lose a baby during pregnancy or birth every year and 60,000 babies are born prematurely each year

“Our babyballet stars danced for a brighter future for babies and helped find all the colours of the rainbow in a themed class and had so much fun,” added Miss Kelly.

“Nationally, as a whole, the Babyballet brand total is currently up to £270,000 with donations still rolling in.

“This can build an entire research centre devoted to preventing unacceptable levels of miscarriages.”