TWO separate speed dating events are set to take place in Colchester hopes to match single citizens with potential love prospects, whilst offering a fun night out and the chance to meet new friends.

The My Type on Paper event will connect residents with between 12 to 15 of the opposite sex, allowing for under ten minutes to test their connection.

Attendees will then be told their match at the end of the night.

The second event, the Strictly Singles Dine and Dance, is a private members club, where attendees must call to register before enjoying a three-course meal with wine, whilst changing seats twice, to mix up the dynamic.

The dress code is smart with the event aiming to provide a fun night out of mingling.

The Strictly Singles Dine and Dance event will begin at 7.30pm, on Friday, November 11, ending at midnight. For tickets and more information, visit

The My Type on Paper event will be held at Bar 82 The Espresso Lounge, on Culver Street in the City centre, on Friday November 11, from 7pm to 10pm.

For tickets and more information, visit