AN investment of £20,000 is up for grabs at an all-new event which celebrates collaborations between entrepreneurs and students.

The two-day Hackathon event aims to bring together students and businesses, with hopes of generating concepts to improve mental and physical wellbeing and social wellfare of people across north Essex.

Concepts will be submitted ahead of a Social Impact Accelerator programme in January 2023, where teams will develop their ideas and pitch for a share of the £20,000 investment fund available.

The grant will be funded by ACTion Community Enterprises.

James Cracknell, co-founder of The Weave, the Essex-based enterprise hosting the event said an event like this is long overdue.

He said: “We have seen social impact climbing the business agenda for a while now, but it’s now an essential element for every organisation.

“Bringing the next generation of the workforce together with entrepreneurs and established businesses gives us a unique opportunity to deliver transformative thinking

“We’re inviting more businesses to join us as we bring together the creative minds of our regional students to collaborate with entrepreneurs and businesses in this exciting and challenging Hackathon.”

The event will place in a series of online seminars from Friday, November 18, till Sunday November 20. For more information on the event, visit