Essex Police has revealed all the Deliveroo related crimes recorded by the force in 2021.

A Freedom of Information (FOI) request, published by Essex Police, shows in the 2021 calendar year, a total of 9 crimes were logged by the force where the online food delivery service was recorded as being an element in the offence. 

Four were theft offences, where two victims had their delivery bags stolen, one delivery driver had their e-bike stolen while picking up an order, and a suspect stole a Deliveroo smart tablet.

One was a public order offence, where a delivery driver dropped of food to the victim before returning and demanding a number.

The suspect threatened to take the food back not allowing the victim to close the door, causing alarm and distress. 

Another offence involved shoplifting where an unknown suspect was detained by staff after posing as a Deliveroo driver, collecting bags of food but not authenticating this on the app.

The customers would later report not receiving their items.

The final three were violence without injury offences.

A victim delivered food to the suspect who then stated they didn't receive the item and therefore money was refunded by Deliveroo, meaning the victim was at financial loss. 

The suspect then wrote a derogatory comment about the victim.

Another suspect, a neighbour, had CCTV cameras overlooking the victims property. 

They had been recording the victim coming and going from their house and noting whenever they had deliveries or visitors.

They then apparently reported the victim for having Deliveroo deliveries. 

The victim has health and support needs, according to police, and is now afraid to leave the house, covering their face whenever leaving so the neighbour cannot film them.

The last offence involved a suspect unidentified sending Deliveroo takeaways to the victims address causing harassment.