A TALENTED troupe of young dancers from an award-winning theatre school are set to tread the boards of an iconic London venue.

Stagestruck Academy, based in Frinton, will take 45 dancers to the historic Sadlers Wells where they will perform alongside hundreds of young entertainers.

During the show the performers, aged between 7 and 18-years-old, will showcase their Disney Illuminations and Back To The Future routines.

The former celebrates everything magical about Disney musicals while the latter comes in the form of a medley based on the West End musical of the same name.

The show will then conclude with a large finale involving more than 500 arts students which has been choreographed by Stagestruck Academy principal Simone Castle.

She said: “This performance will hopefully be an evening that the students will remember for the rest of their lives.

“They have been rehearsing in different venues as the stage is huge and much bigger than our own studios.

“But, as always, the students rise to the occasion and give 100 per cent.

“I am so happy that they have been able to show off their hard work on such a spectacular stage.”

The show at Sadlers Wells, which has been a home for the arts for more than 300 years, will take place this Sunday.