TRAIN passengers were found with a haul of drugs after being confronted by police officers at Colchester station.

The British Transport Police received reports of two men acting suspiciously on a train travelling through Essex on Wednesday.

Officers immediately responded to the concerns of rail workers and met the train as it pulled into a station in Colchester.

Upon arrival the force discovered two passengers in possession of 150 wraps of Class A drugs and several mobile phones.

Gazette: NewsquestNewsquest (Image: Newsquest)

After being arrested they were both transported to custody for further questioning.

A spokesman for the British Transport Police said: "Rail staff reported two men acting suspiciously on-board a train in Essex.

"Officers responded by meeting the train at Colchester station.

"[Two men] were found to be in possession of 150 wraps of Class A drugs and multiple mobile phones – both were transported to custody.

"The public and rail staff are our eyes and ears on the railway.

"They can play a vital role in bringing County Lines offenders to justice.

"If you spot something suspicious on the network, please report it to us by texting 61016 or calling 0800 40 50 40."

To find out more information about submitting information to the British Transport Police visit