BABIES and toddlers in Colchester will be donning their most colourful clothes to take on a sponsored danceathon.

The little ones will be raising money for pregnancy charity Tommy’s National Centre for Miscarriage Research during the fun-filled event running between October 17 and 22.

The dancing quest will provide adaptable challenges and be accessible for all as youngsters from babyballet classes across the UK aim to raise £400,000.

All money raised by the danceathon will help Tommy’s support families on their pregnancy journeys, the charity says.

Figures show one in four women will tragically lose a baby during pregnancy or birth.

Jacqui Clinton, director of fundraising at Tommy’s, said she is “delighted” the baby classes will be hosting their third danceathon in aid of the charity.

“Everyone at babyballet is so committed to helping us in our mission to save babies’ lives and improve care and support for families at every stage of the pregnancy journey.

“We hope everyone taking part has a brilliant time and are so grateful for the vital funds raised for Tommy’s during this special week.”