A Premium Bonds holder in Essex has won a £25,000 prize in October’s prize draw.

According to National Savings and Investments (NS&I), the winner has a Premium Bonds holding worth £5,000 and purchased their winning Bond in May 2012.

Meanwhile, this month’s Premium Bonds millionaires come from Outer London and Suffolk.

The October 2022 prize draw will see a total of 4,972,506 prizes worth £218,790,200 paid out to winners up and down the country.

There were 119,340,101,225 Bond numbers eligible for the draw.

Premium Bonds holders in Essex can check to see if they have won a prize in October’s prize draw, by using the nsandi.com prize checker, official prize checker app or their Alexa-enabled device from Tuesday October 4.

Customers will need their Premium Bonds holder’s number to use the website and their NS&I number or holder’s number to check via the prize checker app.

At the same time, they can check for any unclaimed prizes owed to them.