A MARCH is being staged in Colchester to protest about the cost-of-living crisis and raise awareness of social inequality.

The Enough is Enough Campaign aims to fight against rising bills, low wages, food poverty, housing inequality and raise taxes for the rich.

The group was founded by trade unions and community organisations from across the country.

The group has organised what it calls The National Day of Action, which will see more than 14 organised protests in cities across the country.

The protest will be held on Saturday, October 1, starting at 1pm at the war memorial in front of Colchester Castle, with a picket march beginning shortly after.

On Monday, the pound touched a record low against the dollar as markets react to the UK's biggest tax cuts in 50 years.

In early Asia trade, the pound fell close to $1.03 before regaining ground.

If the pound stays low analysts predict the Bank of England will hike interest rates more steeply putting a further squeeze on incomes as inflation stands at 9.9 per cent.

Councillor Mark Goacher is a member of the Green Party and also the National Education Union representative for Colchester Sixth Form College.

He said: “It’s necessary and long overdue.

"Lots of people are struggling to make ends meet, so it’s no surprise a movement has been made.

“The organisation has only been going for a few months and there are already hundreds of thousands involved across the country.

“These events bring people together from different sectors of the workforce, giving a sense of empowerment.

“Several sectors coming together, working together, gives a sense of power. It’s about solidarity and gives a sense of empowerment.

“The Government won’t change its policies for a march in Colchester, but the co-ordination of several demonstrations brings it to their attention. These marches are happening all over the country. They are going to get bigger.”

Nigel Bailey is branch secretary of CWU South East Anglia, a campaigning union for the telecoms industry.

He said: “I’ll be in attendance. I will encourage people in and around Colchester to be there. The time is right, enough is enough.

“We represent people in telecoms industry and we will be striking in the next few weeks.

"I’ll ask them to stand up and show support for the working class, it is paramount to show face and solidarity.”

For more information on Enough is Enough, visit bit.ly/3UHUvGI.