A POPULAR firework display is set to return for another year, bringing the community together and filling the Colchester skyline with a spectacular rainbow of vibrant colours.

This year’s event marks King Coel’s Kittens 51st annual fireworks display in the park, with the event raising money for Colchester charities.

The group estimates it has raised more than £500,000 in the past 50 years. The money raised has been used for the benefit of people and groups within the Colchester community.

The first King Coel’s Kittens fireworks display took place in Castle Park, in 1970. A small crowd gathered and watched as members of the group set off a small fireworks display.

The event has now developed into one of the largest and most anticipated events staged each year in Castle Park.

The event will take place on Saturday, November 5, with gates opening at 5.30pm.

There will be live entertainment from 5.30pm to 7pm, before the much-loved Guy parade.

The bonfire will be lit at 7.30pm before fireworks fill the sky at 7.40pm.

Tickets are currently on sale now and are available at bit.ly/3SkrYFd.