RIBBONS will be displayed for the fourth year in a row to mark Baby Loss Awareness Week.

The ribbon display will be showcased at the Memorial Garden in Clacton on October 9. 

Maria Gormley, the organiser of the display, is once again working with Sands, a charity focused on stillbirth and neonatal death, and they are again working together to raise awareness of pregnancy and baby loss across Essex. 

Maria said: "We are pleased the display will be back in Clacton and it provides a wonderful opportunity for bereaved families to remember their precious babies who are gone too soon.

"We find it also sparks important conversations about the topic, which in turn helps to raise awareness of charities, like Sands, who work so hard to support those that need it."

This year, Baby Loss Awareness Week will be exploring the theme of Stepping Stones and supporting those who just went through a loss. 

Maria's JustGiving page has raised more than £,1000 in donations and sponsorships from 57 businesses and the supporters' names will be imprinted on to teddy bears and plushies, which will also be on display.  The money raised will go to Sands.

Clea Harmer, chief executive of Sands and chairwoman of the Baby Loss Awareness Alliance, said: "Following their loss, families find themselves on a path they never expected to be on.

"This year, Baby Loss Awareness Week focuses on the steps along that journey and how they are different for everyone.

"I hope that the Clacton Baby Loss Awareness remembrance ribbon display will help reassure anyone who finds themselves on this journey, whether recently bereaved or longer ago, there is a community that exists to help with whatever is needed, whether that is advice, support or simply someone to listen and walk by their side."

You can support the cause and display by sponsoring a teddy or adding a ribbon, email Maria at maria.gormley@sands.org.uk or visit the JustGiving page to donate: www.justgiving.com/ribbon-display2022.