A GROUP of VIPs – Very Important Pupils – was invited to be part of a school’s first visit to go inside a unique Colchester landmark.

The youngsters from North Primary School visited Jumbo, Colchester’s Victorian water tower, to take part in Jumbo Summer, a series of events to celebrate the building which is celebrating its 140th anniversary next year.

The visit was organised by North Essex Heritage which has leased Jumbo for 150 years.

Alan Garnett, headteacher at the Colchester school, said: “The children were thrilled and honoured to be the first schoolchildren to enter the water tank.

“It was the first of many memorable experiences I hope as the children of North engage with the charity as they begin the exciting work to renovate and transform Jumbo.

The pupils learned about Colchester’s industrial and social history, the public health emergency that prompted the tower’s construction, the site’s sustainability and the ecology it supports, including the peregrine falcons and pigeons.

Once inside the huge water tank, the children had plenty of ideas for the future of Jumbo, including an art gallery, restaurant, water feature and a “pigeon paradise”. They illustrated their ideas with chalk drawings on the floor of the tank.

North Essex Heritage’s Jumbo project for the restoration, conservation and renaissance of the building at the historic Balkerne Gate entrance to the city is gathering support.

It plans to convert the 34-metre tower, which is of national heritage importance, into a destination venue, restaurant, visitor experience and historical interpretation space for everyone to enjoy.

Simon Hall, chairman of North Essex Heritage, said: “The time has come to celebrate this magnificent piece of Victorian industrial heritage and let everyone enjoy it.

“Throughout Jumbo Summer we have been inviting people to visit and we have been delighted by the enthusiasm and support for the project.

"Thanks to £1 million from We Are Colchester’s Town Deal Fund bid and continued support from Historic England and the Architectural Heritage Fund, the future is bright for the Jumbo Project."

It is hoped that an application will be made to the National Lottery Heritage Fund early next year.