A ROTARY club handed over more than £3,000 to a night shelter thanks to the club's annual duck race.

The cash was raised for Colchester Engagement and Next Steps, formerly Colchester Emergency Night Shelter.

Members of The Rotary Club of Colchester Forum handed over a cheque for £3,444 to Marina Woodrow and Emily Seddon, of the shelter, which has been supporting the homeless for more than 35 years.

The club said: "Marina and Emily were delighted, as they have been able to carry out some much needed refurbishment during lockdown and gifts and donations are always very gratefully received.

"Colchester Forum organises a duck race each year, which takes place during the Castle Park Fun Day and the proceeds are always donated to our president's nominated charity."

This year there were two races, a business duck race and a public duck race which were run concurrently.

This was the first race in person since the pandemic, the previous two were held virtually.

Businesses were invited to get involved for £25 compared to the £1 fee for public racers.

Tony Dutch, forum duck race organiser said: “We had a great day and were blessed with good weather and managed to sell over 2400 ducks for our public race as well as 30 ducks for our business race.

“Many thanks to all those that supported, we are indebted to Hospital Radio Colchester for allowing us to participate in their fun day.”