PLANS to change the use of the first floor above a shop in Colchester city centre into a house of multiple occupancy has been revealed.

Kendon Limited has applied to make shopfront changes and change the use of the first floor of 44-45 St Botolph’s Street.

A five bedroom HMO would be created and a studio flat on the ground floor.

Previous planning applications to create four flats at the site were approved but not carried out.

The planning application said: “We confirm that this shopfront is not entirely consistent with the set-back entrance of no. 45 and different fascia boards across the two units both in terms of size and design.

“The proposal is to create a consistent shopfront across both 44 and 45 with new doors either side of the party wall.”

A new entrance will be created for the HMO.

There would be five bedrooms with en-suites plus a shared kitchen and dining area.

Each of the rooms would be about 15sqm with the exception of one which will be 13.8sqm.

The application added: “In the current case there is a good quality of accommodation provided with a large space for cooking and heating and all individual rooms are of a decent size with en-suites.

“They represent a better quality of accommodation than the fall-back.”

One objection comment to the plans said: “Too many rooms. Too many occupants. Surely CBC wants this street to move up market?”

Colchester Council will have the final say on the plans.