PRE-SCHOOL children were given a fond farewell by parents and families, as they took the next step in their journey through education.

The children, who all attend the Wivenhoe Park Day Nursery, took turns to stand proudly in front of their parents, whilst their key person shared special words on each of their unique personalities.

On the day, 53 children took the a monumentous step forward, by graduating the nursery.

The special event took place in front of peers, teachers and proud parents.

Children and their famalies were provided with fun activities and opportunities to prepare them for the next step of education.

All of the work put in by nursery staff equipped students and parents with the tools to progress further in the education system, with staff feeling confident that each student will continue to thrive.

The children donned red gowns and caps, to acknowledge the graduation, as balloons and bubbles filled the air.

Each child was given a roaring round of applause, as they graduated from the Wivenhoe Park Day Nursery in style.

Donna Forsyth, deputy manager of the Wivenhoe Park Day Nursery said: "We were so proud to see 53 children of Wivenhoe Park Day Nursery graduate on the day. We wish them every success for the future."