A WOMAN has been left outraged after losing her blue badge permit for being "too disabled".

Margaret Williamson, 54, of Harwich, has had a blue badge for the past three years, but her latest application was rejected following a change of rules.

Essex County Council’s said Margaret no longer met the criteria required for the permit.

Margaret’s husband Bryan Williamson said the council’s reasoning implied she was ‘too disabled’.

He said: “Margaret gets Personal Independence Payment (PIP) which contributes to her blue badge status.

“You also get points for mobility and being able to plan your journey. Margaret is in a wheelchair and has short-term memory loss.

“She cannot plan her journey and go out on her own, if she wants to go out she has to go with me or my son.”

New guidelines state disabled individuals need a score of 10 on the ‘planning a journey’ criteria in order to be eligible for a blue badge permit.

Margaret's score was 12, which means she needs more help than someone with a score of 10, but it means she is not eligible.

Bryan said the changes mean Margaret is considered "too disabled" for a blue badge permit.

When Margaret was 39 she had a double stroke which severely hampered her mobility.

She has been in a wheelchair for the past few years and has nerve damage in both her arms.

Bryan added: “We have now applied for the badge from scratch, meaning Margaret will have to go into Colchester for her disability to be assessed, which is unacceptable."

A spokesman for Essex County Council said: “The Department for Transport set the national legislation and guidance for all local authorities to follow when administering the Blue Badge scheme.

"The council’s approach is in line with the national guidelines.

“Essex County Council is sympathetic to the concerns of this family and is engaging with them. 

“Mr and Mrs Williamson have been informed why their original application under the PIP criteria had been declined, and advice has been offered to consider re-applying under the ‘subject to further assessment’ criteria. 

“A new application has subsequently been received and will be reviewed at the earliest opportunity.”