COLCHESTER history-lovers can now take a trip down memory lane after the BBC built a digital vault of archive footage for a new nostalgia project.

The BBC Rewind initiative, which features a vast collection of more than 30,000 visuals, has been launched to commemorate the broadcaster’s 100th anniversary.

Many of the fascinating and interesting videos have not been available to view since they first graced screens decades ago.

The huge database boasts more than ten videos which have links to Colchester or surrounding Essex areas, including the Queen’s visit to the city back in 2004.


Here is everything you can watch on BBC Rewind:

Look East Unplanned: Southend & Colchester

Look East: The Queen Visits Harwich and Colchester

News: British Troops Leave with Families for NI

Scene Around Six

Look East: Oyster Festival

News: British Troops reinforcements for NI

Look East: Fuel Alternatives

Look East: Royal Visit to Maldon

News: Mr Butler and His Budget

News: British Troops reinforcements for NI

Look East: Fuel Alternatives

Look East: Royal Visit to Maldon


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