AN appeal has been launched after a controversial planning application to build 221 homes was rejected.

The developers behind the plans for the site in Tiptree have launched the appeal for the plans which generated almost 1,000 objections.

Developers Kler Group submitted an application in 2020 to build the new homes at Brook Meadows in the village.

The plan was for mainly two to four bedroom properties and 66 affordable homes.

Residents claim too many houses are being built in the village and said having more would lead to anti-social behaviour in the area.


Tiptree Parish Council clerk Rob Williams said: “I think that the people of Tiptree would be rightfully very upset should this appeal by the developer be allowed.

“The Local Plan calls for a minimum of 800 homes to be built in Tiptree over the next 15 years.

“We have a hardworking neighbourhood plan team who spent countless hours canvassing opinion and building a plan that is good for the village, whilst accommodating the housing numbers required by Colchester Council.”

The neighbourhood plan is in the final stages of regulation by the council and then will be submitted to Colchester Council.

Mr Williams said: “The plan recently suffered a blow when a developer's appeal for 130 houses in the north of the village was allowed.

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"We now have a plan with additional housing over and above the needs of Colchester Council.

“This will be the fourth appeal for additional housing over and above the Local Plan requirement.

“This obviously impacts our shared amenities, especially locations like the GP surgery.

“By adding an additional 221 dwellings, the site will detract from the existing overloaded amenities in Tiptree.

“The site itself is associated with the local wildlife site, where there are a number of protected species.

“The net loss to the people of Tiptree will be significant, and the developer is not offering any gains which should sway the inspectorate to add these supernumerary houses.

“The decision made by Colchester Council should stand.”