AN abusive husband who sprung a surprise one-punch attack on his estranged wife has been banned from Clacton by a court.

Despite a restraining order banning him from contacting his ex-partner, David Ward snuck in through the back door of her home in Jaywick and waited for her on March 23.

As she walked into the kitchen, the victim was sprung upon by the 25-year-old who punched her with “all his power”, knocking her to the sofa before he fled the scene, Chelmsford Crown Court heard.

The attack, carried out while Ward was serving a suspended sentence, left the mother “seeing stars” and was the latest in a series of incidents which include the defendant punching her in the face.

Ward, of Bury Road, Dagenham, admitted breaching a suspended sentence, a restraining order, and committing one count of assault.

Gazette: Jailed - David WardJailed - David Ward

Prosecutor Robert Levack explained how the pair’s young children were in the house at the time of the assault which followed an on-off “abusive and controlling” relationship spanning five years.

“The victim felt like the abuse was never ending, she had been punched in the exact same spot before,” said Mr Levack.

He added: “He effectively forced his way into the home and assaulted her”.

Judge Christopher Morgan slammed Ward for not attending all of the sessions he had been invited to by the probation service while serving his suspended sentence in the months prior to the latest incident.

He said: “It is said you took no responsibility for your offending and could not see how your actions impacted upon your wife and children.

Gazette: Incident - ClactonIncident - Clacton

“In a clear breach of your restraining order you entered your wife’s home and when she discovered you in the kitchen you launched yet another attack on her.

“You will have been aware the children were in the home; it causes anxiety, trauma and stress to them that their father is once again assaulting their mother.”

Steven Levy, mitigating, told the court his client now accepts the relationship is over and he plans to divorce his ex-partner.

Ward was sentenced to 18 months imprisonment and banned from entering Clacton.

A new restraining order was also imposed upon him, restricting contact with his estranged wife.