CRUEL crooks who have repeatedly stolen from a charity dedicated to helping the elderly have left the organisation’s devoted boss feeling “physically sick”.

Tendring Eldercare's day centre, in King’s Road, Clacton, has been targeted by heartless thieves on several occasions within the last month.

Over the previous few weeks, £2,000 worth of maintenance tools have been snatched from a shed, as well as two bicycles – one of which belongs to the chairman’s son.

Edward Bell, who runs the non-profit organisation, says his car was also broken into while parked at the facility before crooks made off with money and a variety of items.

Gazette: Edward Bell and elderly resident Pauline Greenhalgh, 89Edward Bell and elderly resident Pauline Greenhalgh, 89

Most recently, a suspicious-looking man was filmed lurking around and peering into the charity’s minibus, which is used to pick up disabled and elderly residents.

Mr Bell said: “Every night at about 3am we have people check every single car on our road to see if they are unlocked.

“We had our shed open and all of the charity’s tools were stolen and my and my son's bikes were stolen too – he is 13 and now does not have a bike.

“I was very disappointed and felt physically sick - it’s so upsetting when items belonging to the charity are stolen.

“It is heart-breaking as a chairman of a charity which helps people and when I have dedicated my entire life to those in need of support.

“I just pray the people who stole the items took them because they need money to feed their families and not to fuel a substance addiction.”

Mr Bell said the selfish acts of the crooks responsible will have an impact on the people the charity helps, as funding will have to be used to buy new tools.

He added: “You just think what’s the point? I know there is nothing that can be done, but it is the charity that suffers.

“All those tools, which we use for renovation work at the centre, will now need replacing and I will have to find extra budge to install more advanced security.

“But why should I have to do that?”

Anyone with information about the thefts should contact Essex Police by calling 101.