RULES governing visits to patients at hospitals in north east Essex have been relaxed further due to a reduction in Covid-19 cases.

East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust, which runs Colchester Hospital, says it is increasing opportunities for people to visit their loved ones.

The trust, which also runs Clacton Hospital and Fryatt Hospital, in Dovercourt, said visiting slots in general inpatient wards can now be up to two hours long.

Patients will no longer be restricted to visits from only three people, although a maximum of two people at a time are permitted at a patient's bedside.


Visiting slots must still be booked in advance with ward teams.

Each patient can have one two-hour visiting slot a day, although large families can talk to the ward team to see if extra visiting slots are free.

This two-hour rule does not apply to visiting in exceptional or compassionate circumstances, such as end of life care, where more open visiting remains in place.

More flexible visiting for carers is also supported, as well as visits by siblings to neonatal units, children’s wards and postnatal wards.

Staff ask anyone showing symptoms of Covid-19 or otherwise feeling unwell to stay at home and cancel their visit.

The maternity department will allow two birthing partners to attend the labour and birth of a baby.

Two adults, comprising one birthing partner and one other, may visit antenatal and postnatal wards.

The selected birthing partner may visit anytime between 8am and 8pm and a second visitor may accompany them for a booked one-hour slot during that time Siblings of newborns are also welcome on postnatal wards, but these visits should be discussed and agreed with the ward teams in advance.

Some restrictions in A&E and outpatients remain in place, although patients can be accompanied by one visitor in these areas. On the children's wards, two parents or carers may visit a child together.

One parent may remain with their child throughout their stay, including overnight.

Children who are siblings of patients are welcome to visit children’s wards, but agreed with the ward teams in advance.

Two parents or carers may attend an outpatient appointment with a child.