COUNCILLORS fear innocent bystanders could be seriously injured or killed after the latest in a series of police pursuits ended with a stolen car demolishing a hedge and garden fence.

A couple living in Pownall Crescent, in Colchester, awoke to the flash of blue lights and the sight of “three or four” police cars outside their home.

Their hedge and garden fence had been demolished after a police chase ended with a crash in the early hours of Saturday.

Berechurch ward councillor Dave Harris said the car, reported to be a Mini Countryman, also took out a street sign on the corner of King George Road.

Gazette: The damage done to a hedge and fence in Pownall CrescentThe damage done to a hedge and fence in Pownall Crescent

Mr Harris said: “Residents reported the car was actually forced to either stop or crash at the end of the pursuit.

“It crashed into this poor gentleman’s fence. Thankfully the housing association is going to replace his fence, we’ve picked up the sign to give it back to the council for repair and replacement.

“We are concerned that with more regular car crime and speeding someone is going to get seriously injured.”

Fellow ward councillor Chris Pearson added: “There have been a few of these type of incidents in south Colchester.

“It worries us that there is a rise in these type of dangerous crimes, we appeal to residents to secure their cars against theft to stop this spike in this kind of offence.”

READ MORE: Police chase burglary suspects in car in Colchester

A police spokesman said: “We received a call at 11.45pm on Friday with reports of a car stolen from an address in Trevor Bailey Drive, Colchester.

“The vehicle was located in the Clacton area shortly before 2.55am the following day.

“A pursuit was authorised and the vehicle came to a stop in Pownall Crescent, Colchester shortly before 3.20am.

“Two people were detained.”

Police need witnesses or anyone with any CCTV, dash cam or doorbell footage to get in touch on 101 quoting incident 1590 of May 27.

This crash and chase follows a similar police pursuit in the early hours of Saturday, May 21.

Police gave chase after reports of thieves stealing a car to make their getaway from a burglary.

A blue Ford Fiesta was reportedly stolen from Lexden Road before ending up in Monkwick in the early hours of May 21.