In the early hours of this morning, we broke the news Colchester has gained the title of city, as part of the Queens Jubilee celebrations.

As well as a Facebook live coverage, we took to the city streets in order to ask Colchester residents how they felt about the change.

Here's what you said:


Nicholas, a local vendor said: "As COVID settled and things returned to normality, things went quiet and it wasn't very good for businesses.

"Anything that brings business into the centre is a good thing."


Vincent, a support worker, said: "I feel that with the modern experience the town gives, upgrading to a city is a must.

"It is a beautiful city, and with the new status, we can draw in more university students and boost the economy.

"I moved here as an adventure and I love this city so much, this Roman city is now a mix of ancient and modern - this is the way forward."


Ian, from Eight Ash Green, said: "I think this city deserved it, for the history we have alone.

"Hopefully now this new status will encourage the council to do more to improve the city centre, with fewer potholes, lower rent for shops and lots of new, local businesses."


Ashraph, from Hythe, said: "It's really good, I'm glad it happened.

"I think one of the reasons they upgraded it to a city is because of how multicultural it is here.

"It's a very welcoming place, whenever you walk through the town you see so many races and cultures."


Lucy Young, of Youngs Fish, said: "I think this is only going to be excellent for Colchester and its future.

"It will increase tourism, for definite. Colchester is a beautiful town and they invest a lot into preserving its history. Hopefully it will bring a lot of fortune for our future."

What do you think about Colchesters new status? Are you excited? Do you think it should have stayed a town? Let us know.