A HAVE-A-GO hero says he has been left with third and fourth degree burns after attempting to put out a house fire.

Kurtis Manning is on the mend after rushing to the aid of homeowners on Brick Kiln Way on Saturday.

The 26-year-old was attending an awards ceremony at a nearby rugby club which was happening that evening.

When popping outside the club house to go to the shop for a vape, Kurtis noticed plumes of black smoke.

He pulled over to discover there was a large fire on the side of one of the houses.

He said: "I popped outside the clubhouse to go to the shop for a vape and on the way back I saw the house fire.

"I grabbed a hose from someone’s front garden and started trying to put the fire out or at least stop it from spreading to the other houses and got other people from other houses to get as much water as possible.

"In the process I’ve burnt my arms up and then the fire engines came and ambulance.

"Ambulance came to me and checked me out and said I have possible third to fourth degree burns on my arms and smoke inhalation."

Fire crews were called to the scene after reports of burning rubbish causing a house fire.

Firefighters from Braintree and Halstead attended the scene and arrived at around 8.10pm.

Fire crews helped extinguish the fire by 9.06pm before it could cause more damage.

Essex County Fire and Rescue Service have recorded the incident as being accidental.