PUPILS were given a special treat as The Royal Institution rolled up to showcase the wonders of science.

An independent charity which focusses on pursuing education and research, The Royal Institution sent along Dan Plane to show Year 3 to Year 6 pupils at at Iceni Academy in Colchester that experiments aren’t all about tables, charts, and test tubes – and he proved his point through a combination of skill, thrills and excitement.

Throughout the day, children witnessed two demonstrations in the school hall – and some youngsters were even lucky enough to help run the experiments.

Lab coats on their own were not enough to protect the pupils from the vicissitude of science, however.

Extra thick gloves and protective visors were a must to ensure no eyebrows were singed in the course of the experiments, which had the pupils – and even some of the teachers – mesmerised.

Indeed, the term ‘every day is a school day’ was as relevant to pupils as it was for their educators, who learned that even bubbles can be set on fire.

The caretaker may not have thanked Mr Plane after one of the experiments set off the fire alarm, but the minor inconvenience was more than outweighed by the thrall in which the children were held throughout the demonstrations.

Unsurprisingly, there was something of a buzz around the school afterwards as pupils asked just how it was possible that kinetic energy can send plastic bottles from one side of the room to the other and, and why it is that magnetism can stick pieces of metal together.

One pupil, Jenson, said: “Dan showed me things that I didn’t even know were possible – I want to find out about more things that I thought were impossible.”

Another youngster, Nora, also had high praise for Mr Plane.

She said: “I was holding the long spoon and it was lit – that was one of the most fun experiences I have had.”