DETAILED plans for a retail and housing complex in Dovercourt have been recommended for approval by planning officers.

Harding Estates’ blueprints for the Harwich Valley site, on land between the A120 and Stour Close, include 259 homes, a cinema, 63-bed hotel, pub, drive-thru restaurants and business units.

Outline plans were approved by Tendring Council in 2015, but an application to build 80 of the residential units prior to completion of associated highway works off the A120 were refused last year.

The detailed plan shows there will be 75 one-bedroom, 99 two-bedroom, 60 three-bedroom and 25 four-bedroom homes, including 26 affordable homes.

A report by the developer said: “The detailed design and landscaping strategy demonstrates that the development would nestle into a largely contained and framed site, and would have limited influence before the site itself and its immediate setting.

“The development would be accommodated within the edge of the settlement of Harwich, and serve as a gateway into the wider commercial elements allowed by this application.

“The development would not therefore have an adverse impact on the character and appearance of the surrounding area.”

Ramsey and Parkeston Parish Council, which backed the original outline application, has since withdrawn its support for the scheme, due to concerns over the expected additional traffic on the narrow Stour Close.

A decision is expected to be made by Tendring Council’s planning committee on Wednesday, February 16.