AN empowering community group is helping swimmers from a costal town improve their mental and physical wellbeing by hosting chilly dips.

The Martello Bluetits, based in Clacton, acts as a regular seafront meet-up which is part of a social enterprise called The Bluetits Chill Swimmers.

The adventurous initiative was launched with a view of using the act of cold-water swimming to build people’s confidence and establish a sense of community.

Marie-Ann Capps, 50, from Clacton, heads up the group alongside an additional administrator and two moderators, and has done so since April last year.


Since then, she has helped arrange a variety of swims, including the annual New Year’s Day dip, which this year proved as popular – and as cold - as ever.

But as she stresses, the beauty of the Martello Bluetits project is that anyone can facility the organisation of a seafront get-together.

She said: “We meet as often as possible but as this is a social enterprise anyone can post if they want to swim and where others can join them.

“It is safety in numbers, but the swims can have any number of swimmers, from two to 50 - the Leigh-on-Sea group though have once had 100 attendees at one time.

“We have to play each meeting by ear and assess the sea conditions before we head in, and each person is responsible for their own safety.

“We always have a ‘newbie’ chat to ensure this is communicated, but we do also buddy-up and look out for each other in the water.”

As has been well-documented over the years, braving the icy temperatures of the cold sea can result in a major boost for both the body and the mind.

But the social aspect of meeting-up with like-minded swimmers is just as rewarding.

“The benefits are endless, from helping with inflammation and menopause to mental health and general wellbeing,” added Marie-Ann.


“But the best thing we get out of it is the camaraderie and knowing that there’s always someone to swim with.”

To find out more information about the Martello Bluetits or the initiative in general visit or thebluetits.

All photos: Nigel Wood