A UNIVERSITY lecturer and author hopes his latest book will prompt more work to tackle child abuse.

Steven Walker, 67, from Colchester, is an author and part time lecturer at the University of Essex.

Mr Walker has decades of experience in researching social work, children’s mental health and child abuse.

His book entitled Children Forsaken: child abuse from ancient to modern times was released in July this year.

Mr Walker said: “I was inspired to write the book when I read a story a couple years ago about an American bioarchaeologist, Sandra Wheeler, who found the tomb of a young child in Egypt.

“Because of new forensic imaging technology, she discovered they child had been abused before death.

“I suddenly wondered how far back in time child abuse went and that’s when I got started on the book.”

Before he was an author, Mr Walker was a child protection social worker, giving him the knowledge and experience of modern child abuse.

Andrew Whittaker, professor of social work research at London South Bank University reviewed Mr Walker’s book.

He said: “Challenging popular notions that child abuse is perpetrated by evil or irrational individuals, it examines how child abuse has been woven into the fabric of our societies.”

Mr Walker believes this is the key to tackling child abuse, by fighting the issue on multiple fronts.

He said: “To prevent child abuse requires considerable investment in family support, social workers have high workloads and are under supported.

“A lot more has to be spent to train staff in preventative measures, the last 12 years has seen the support hollow out as services have been run down.”

The book is available to purchase on Amazon.

Another reason Mr Walker cites for rampant child abuse is the rights, or lack of, that children have in society.

Only as recently 1989 did the United Nations hold a convention on children’s rights.

Also, the first legislation to protect children in America came in the late 19th century, as an add on to animal welfare law.