CIRCLES of beautiful flowers have been planted to create a poignant memorial to the victims of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Four blossom circles were installed at Kings Meadow, in Castle Park, Colchester, in the hope the area will be a place to remember all those who have lost their lives to Covid.

Planting took place on Saturday and the installation will also honour key workers.

It will reflect on the borough’s shared experience of the pandemic and help to signal hope and reflection moving forward.

The scheme comes as part of the third year of Colchester Council’s Woodland and Biodiversity Project and saw four interconnecting rings of tree circles planted.

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The unique circles have been named the wildlife glade, orchard glade, Japanese glade and the memory glade.

The tree-planting, led by Together We Grow CIC, worked with residents who pre-booked to take part, alongside the mayor and mayoress, the deputy mayor and deputy mayoress and members of the council’s cabinet.

The final blossom circle is due to be planted by NHS and Community 360 workers today, in recognition of the role they have played in the pandemic response.

Simon Crow, Colchester councillor responsible for environment and sustainability, said: “A key element of the Colchester Woodland and Biodiversity project is to plant more trees and to address the need for green space and nature where people live.

“By creating these blossom spaces, we can build a space where people can reflect on the events of the past two years, while connecting with nature.

“Many people recognised the importance of access to nature during the coronavirus outbreak, with many finding time in green spaces beneficial for their physical health and mental wellbeing.

“These areas will be lovely places for people to go to pay their respects and reflect.

“We are on a drive to improve biodiversity across the borough, and this supports this aim in a poignant way.”

Gaps in the planting of each ring have created paths which will connect to one another throughout the site.

To keep up to date with the project, find out more at