THOUSANDS of campaigners are continuing to rally together to take their fight to council bosses following the proposed demolition of a historic landmark.

Campaign group Save Our Bridge, comprised of impassioned residents, was founded in response to Essex County Council’s plan to replace Boxted Bridge.

The long-standing, 124-year-old overpass, carries Wick Road and Lower Farm Road over the River Stour, in the Dedham Vale area of outstanding natural beauty.

Despite its heritage significance, the authority now wants to replace the bridge with a new one after an Essex Highways inspection in 2018 found it be in a “weak condition” with many potentially dangerous faults.


But Lucinda de Jasay, whose petition has garnered more than 5,800 signatures, believes the bridge could have been simply repaired if the council had acted sooner.

She said: “For the last 29 years the council have ignored it, allowing it to be used by heavy goods vehicles despite their own inspectors’ three-tonne recommended weight limit.

“They now argue their ‘nuclear option’ is best because it is the safest, but they are refusing to recognise the heritage of Boxted Bridge.

“The petition now has more than 5,882 signatures, which shows the strength of feeling, love for the bridge and anger at being ignored.”

According to Lucinda, whose family has lived at Boxted Mill since 1956, residents and parish councillors fear a larger bridge could be used by HGVs as a short cut and cars will cross much faster, making it less safe.

She also believes the authority has not been transparent enough with those opposed to the proposals.

“If they push this through it will show that so-called public servants don’t need to worry too much about the laws intended to protect our heritage and areas of beauty,” she added.

Gazette: What the replacement bridge could look likeWhat the replacement bridge could look like

A spokesman for Essex Highways said: “The original construction of Boxted Bridge does not lend itself well to the extent of repairs it now requires without, in fact, replacing the majority of the structure.

“Our proposed design is expected to improve road safety at this location, provide suitable road widths for emergency vehicle access and reduce the risk of vehicle strikes which have occurred at the current bridge and to nearby private property in the past.

“It is intended that the current advisory signage which is designed to discourage the use of the route by HGVs will remain in place, however we do not anticipate usage to increase.  

“The proposed new bridge will be built to current standards, providing the community with a long-term solution without compromising safety or the aesthetics of the local Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

“We have already and will continue to engage with the local parish council and have incorporated adjustments to our designs to accommodate local feedback.

“Regular updates have been shared with key groups, and we publish the latest information on our Boxted Bridge webpage at  We will continue to keep the community informed of progress, including sharing the link to the Essex County Council planning portal when the planning application has been submitted.”