The battle between nature and humanity perpetuates. Diurnaly, 28 million hectares of forest have befallen since 2016, at the hands of humanity and natural causes, foreshadowing towards the extinction of 28,000 species of trees in the next quarter year, as predicted by

The state of affairs wane as the twain bonding bridging flora (nature) and fauna (humans and animals) grows ever thin, a widening concern to scientists, who describe this unique relationship as symbiotic which, by dictionary definition, involves interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association. In this case- trees- via the process of photosynthesis- release oxygen which we need to respire, and we produce carbon dioxide as a by- product of respiration, which the trees need for photosynthesis. Simple, right?

Well, in layman's terms, the many forests and jungles of this Earth bring balance; to remove them, would destroy our life-support system. Though, chief of the greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, absorbs sun rays to keep temperatures stable- otherwise life would shift between scorching daylight and freezing nights. The key is balance  and we must find it fast, if we are to save the forests of Earth.