SCHOOL pick-up and drop-off points could soon be introduced in Colchester, along with two lengthy cycle paths spanning the town.

A county council consultation has revealed many residents are keen on the £7million plans.

These include setting up more than a dozen “School Streets” - these would see temporary restrictions in roads during school drop-off and pick-up times.

Of the two cycle routes, one will span from Mile End Road to Butt Road, from the north of the town to the south. The other from Spring Lane through the town to East Hill, from the west to the east.

Cars could also remain banned from Colchester High Street - however this may be on a part-time basis between specified hours and days, with the aim of restricting traffic during busy times.

There were 787 responses with 31 per cent strongly agreeing with the two segregated cycle routes - 14 per cent strongly disagreed.

Read more >> The 18 roads near schools where new traffic restrictions could be implemented

In regards to the High Street plans, 30 per cent strongly agreed, 18 per cent strongly disagreed.

And the plans for “School Streets” received majority backing, with 52 per cent strongly agreeing.

The report said: “The overall sentiment from Colchester respondents is positive, with the majority feeling the proposed routes will both improve safety for walking and cycling and encourage more active travel.

“Some respondents felt the scheme did not go far enough and suggestions for linking to other parts of the borough were put forward. In particular to the west, linking to Stanway.”

The consultation said pedestrianisation and making the High Street more appealing was highlighted.

It added: “The theme of ambience and creating a nicer environment ran through the responses, particularly in terms of the High Street and town centre area, where the view was the proposals should go further, looking to reduce the number of vehicles in the town centre as much as possible.”