UNPOPULAR plans to demolish a discount store and replace it with nine flats and two new retail units have been rejected.

Plans would have seen The Original Factory Shop, in Kelvedon Road, Tiptree, torn down before being replaced by a new three storey building.

However, following a raft of objections from members of the public as well as from Tiptree Parish Council and Essex Highways, the proposals have been rejected by Colchester Council’s planning officers.

The decision notice states: “The proposal would add a significant amount of bulk and mass to the application site.

“The design and layout would be out of character with the prevailing rhythm and pattern of the area.

“In this context, the proposal is incongruous, contrived and unduly cramped upon its plot in relation to its size.”

It adds: “The proposal would result in overdevelopment of the site and this this would be exacerbated by the design approach, in that the proposal would visually compete with the surrounding area to such an extent that it would be an overly prominent and unduly dominant.”

Tiptree Parish Council raised concerns over highway safety, the design of the building and the lack of parking on offer in the proposals.

A total of 24 residents also objected to the plans online.

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One said: “Tiptree already has several new housing projects underway, the existing road network in the area simply cannot cope with any increase in traffic.

“The increase in population will also have a negative effect on amenities.

“Tiptree has just one small doctors’ surgery and dentist, both of which are unable to accommodate the existing population with many having to travel miles to get these services.”

Another added: “The scale of the development is extremely excessive for the site.

“The existing site is one level. The proposed increase to three-level height will significantly impact on neighbouring properties overlooking them, invading on their right to privacy and reducing the level of natural light to their properties.”

The application stated the retailer’s lease is set to expire soon and The Original Factory Shop is looking for alternative premises at a cheaper rate.