A STRONGMAN says he is looking forward to improving after managing to pull a massive 65-tonne train.

Matt Downey, 42, has managed to beat his personal record after taking part in a train pulling competition this month.

Born and raised in Halstead, Matt took part in the BEKS and East Kent Railway Train Pull in a bid to challenge himself but also raise money for charity.

Raising £180 for both Kent charity BEKS and the railway, Matt competed against 22 strongmen and had a good showing, despite only taking up strongman athletics two years ago.

He took on the challenge in Dover with friend Leon Pegler, from Braintree, while flying the flag of Rebel Strength, a Dunmow-based company which sells and makes commercial gym equipment.

Matt, who trains at Lemans Gym in Halstead, managed to pull the behemoth at total of 4.7metres in the allotted 60 seconds.

Friend Leon managed a distance of five metres while the winner on the day achieved a distance of 5.8metres.

Matt also took part in a team pull which saw him and five others pull a massive 110-tonne train.

It comes after Matt was forced to change his lifestyle following a health scare.

After being diagnosed with Barrett’s oesophagus, which can bring an increased risk of cancer, and changing the way he led his life, Matt eventually took up strongman competitions.

Prior to the train pull, the heaviest thing Matt had pulled was a massive articulated lorry.

Now Matt says he is hoping to improve on his performance next year but is still proud of his achievement.

He said: “It went OK. It was the toughest test I’ve ever put myself though and I slipped twice, but managed to pull it 4.7metres in 60 seconds which was the time limit set.

“The winning distance was 5.8metres. We found out it was on a slight incline and we were all getting stuck on a track joint but for my first ever attempt I’m happy with it and will return next year to take up the challenge again just with better knowledge of what to expect.

“I’m now one of 22 people in the country to do this.

“Pulling the train is my personal record now at 4.7metres. I’ve never done anything this big before.

“My new target will be to break that distance or pull something heavier but I’ve got to wait until next year for that.”