LONG-AWAITED plans to develop Dovercourt's town centre Starlings site have finally been submitted.

Tendring Council wants to use the site of the former garage and Queens Head Hotel, which burnt down a number of years ago, to create a new public space in the town between Milton Road and Orwell Road.

The proposals include a 51-space car park, public toilets, and hard and soft landscaping.

It can also be used as an event space for one-off events such as a Christmas market or travelling fairs.

Mary Newton, cabinet member for business and economic growth, said: “These proposals have been carefully worked up, in line with our overall vision for Dovercourt and taking on board comments made at the consultation.

“I am pleased that the project has progressed to the planning stage and would encourage people to look at and comment on the plans so that committee can take everything into consideration when determining the application.”

The car park will replace the neighbouring Milton Road car park and the council said separate work being carried out to establish the best use for that site.

Mrs Newton said the site’s importance is recognised in the council's Dovercourt Masterplan.


The council bought the Starlings site at the end of last year after complex negotiations and cleared the site – as well as appointed its principle design team to develop the detailed proposals and to manage the construction process through to completion.

New hoardings have recently been installed around the site to tidy up the area, and the fencing will soon have information boards installed detailing the plans for passers-by.

Work is expected to start on site at the end of the year if plans are approved.

Ivan Henderson, Labour councillor for Harwich and Kingsway, said: "This has been an eyesore site for quite some time, so it's great that works could finally start soon.

"It has been a long time in coming - we have been pushing for it to be developed for years.

"We had been hoping it would be completed by this winter for the first Christmas market, but that doesn't look like it will happen now.

"But all the Labour councillors in Harwich are pleased it will be a mixed use area with opportunities for markets and other events - it will be an asset for residents, visitors and retailers."