A BUZZING entrepreneur who founded a bee-saving beer company has brewed a tasty new tipple to further protect our pollinating friends.

Jason Winter, of Holland-on-Sea, has launched a vegan-friendly craft beer called The Beekeeper Beer.

The product is now a vehicle to drive eco-conscious campaigns and discussion about bees’ vulnerability and the need to protect them.

Mr Winter has also previously committed to donating 10 per cent of profits made from sales of his beers to bee-saving charities and he also works with organic producers.


The brand new beverage has been launched in collaboration with Brentwood Brewery.

The vegan and gluten free pilsner comes with a pack of British wildflower seeds, which boasts enough seeds to cover five square metres of land.

The idea is sustainably-minded beer-drinkers will plant the seeds and create a habitat of flowers in which the area’s bees can joyfully revel in.

The beer’s labels are also environmentally friendly, having been made from a ground-breaking and reimagined waste material called wood film.

Mr Winter said: “We want to keep bees alive and thriving through our ethical brand and we truly want to make a positive impact in our industry and for our environment.”

To find out more visit brentwoodbrewing.co.uk.

Pictures: Ashleigh Pay Studios