A PRE-SCHOOL has received a glowing Ofsted report across the board following an inspection.

Langham Pre-School, in School Road, Colchester, was recently inspected by the education watchdog.

The provision was rated 'Good' for its quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development and leadership.

A statement from Ofsted said: "Staff have worked hard since the setting returned to full working following the Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns, to re-build children's understanding of boundaries.

"Children are actively involved in determining the rules.

"For example, they take photographs of each other to make a book about 'how to keep safe at preschool'.

"The images show photographs and captions, for example, 'we place toys carefully in their boxes', rather than 'throwing them'."

The report also said the manager and staff "continuously develop their questioning skills to help children to think critically" and to consider ways of resolving problems for themselves.

However the inspector said the school's staff do not always model learning for younger or less-able children.

For example, the report said they fail to notice when children cannot hold scissors and other tools correctly to enable them to achieve their chosen task.

It added: £On occasions, staff do not follow through planned activities well enough to ensure that the learning intention is fully fulfilled. "For example, they sometimes use books and other resources to support learning that are not appropriate.

"Some staff do not help the older children to develop the mathematical concepts planned for the printing activity, losing the opportunity to fulfil this intention."

To improve further, the school needs to support children to use tools and resources correctly to help to promote the physical development of younger children.

This was the first time Ofsted has inspected the pre-school which currently has 33 on roll.

The pre-school employs six members of childcare staff.

Of these, five hold appropriate early years qualifications at level three.

The pre-school opens from Monday to Friday term time only.