A SELFLESS youngster is sporting a new look after a kind-hearted donation to help those who have lost their hair.

After being saddened by seeing pictures of children who had lost their hair through illness, Thia Wing, seven, donated 13 inches of her own.

Not stopping there, Thia, who goes to Lawford Primary School, also raised £650 which will also be going to the Little Princess Trust.

The charity helps children who have lost their hair to cancer or other conditions and provides a free, real hair wig to help restore their confidence.

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Thia’s father, Dominic, said he felt proud of his daughter.

“She found out about the charity through my wife’s friend and felt sad when she saw the pictures of children with no hair,” he said.

“My wife said the charity was looking for people to donate hair and Thia said she wanted to do it, so we thought we’d try and raise money as well.

Gazette: Thia, before...Thia, before...

“She was happy to do this, she is quite a shy child but has always been caring.

“It’s been a challenging time for everyone with a lot of bad news around and I think you often see how many people get divided on things happening in the world, especially during lockdown.

“Now, however, it’s been so nice to see people do still care about other things going on and can come together to help support some really important stuff, not just with Thia, but in many walks of life.

“When I told the hairdresser at Chez Sue, who cut her hair for this, why she had it done they instantly said they didn’t want payment and to donate the cost to the charity instead.

Gazette: And after!And after!

“It has been really hard times, but even when people are struggling, they have still come together to support my little girl, it shows we all still love to see something positive.

“Thia is a very kind and caring child, always working hard and helpful to people.

“She’s quite sensitive and is well behaved; she makes us very proud in all aspects of life.”

You can donate to the fundraiser via https://bit.ly/3xdRXnH.