CREATIVE students are showcasing their talent at a special gallery intended to “fill hearts with colour”.

The Colchester School of Art Degree Show, based at Colchester Institute, is entitled ‘Other Side’ and runs until July 10.

It is open now and the culmination of three years of work for students, in a world that has changed so much due to the pandemic.

Course leader and tutor Caroline Wright said: “The work we have produced asks people to question the world we live in.


Embroidery - Millicent Clarke chose to explore themes of physical and emotional vulnerability

“It also fills hearts with colour, immerses people in a dreamscape and reminds people of the importance of caring for and understanding our fellow human beings, as well as witnessing the actions humans have on the planet.”

A booking system is in operation, due to Covid regulations.

To book a viewing time slot, email or


Kaleidoscope of colour - Victoria Hudgell explores colour and mark making using various thicknesses of paint and paste