A LIFELINE for people living in crisis has opened in its new headquarters.

Colchester Foodbank’s new base is in a building provided by the Tollgate Partnership Ltd at Tollgate Village in Stanway.

Colchester mayor Robert Davidson cut the ribbon to mark the official opening and praised the hard work of the volunteers and recognised the difference the foodbank makes within the community.

The Rt Rev Roger Morris, Bishop of Colchester, who is patron of the foodbank, was also in attendance to bless the building.

The foodbank’s chief executive officer Mike Beckett said: “It is such a great feeling to have reached this point and it is the result of hard work by our volunteers, staff and helpers from the community and the generous donations of the public to set up our current operations.

“It saddens us we need to be here at all and we long for the day when no-one in this country needs a Foodbank, but until that day comes, we will be here.”

Colchester Foodbank is the busiest in Essex and the new centre enables it to effectively supply its nine distribution centres and meet the 47 per cent increase in demand.

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The new site is also home to three partner agencies which work with Colchester Foodbank - the Essex Uniform Exchange, Tots2Teens Baby Bank and Re:Focus.

Mark Snelling and Eddie Campbell from Essex Free School Uniform said they were “excited to be teaming up with Colchester Foodbank again as we both look to support the community in this growing time of need.”

Eunice and Barbara from Tots2Teens, Colchester Baby and Children’s Bank, said: “We are thrilled to be working alongside Colchester Foodbank at Tollgate.”Mike and his team have been such an amazing support to us and the families we support for the past three years.”

Re:Focus provides arts and crafts filled bags and activity packs for children.

Paula Stubbs of Re:Focus, who have relocated several times during the pandemic, said: “It is wonderful to work alongside Colchester Foodbank.

“We aim to look at mental health and well-being from a different angle. The use of art and crafts is proven to help all ages and abilities re-grow and re-develop their self-confidence.

“This incredible team is made up of volunteers who have taken this project wholly to their hearts.

“There’s a lot of love poured into each bag.”