A BUDDING young fisherman got the catch of the day when he landed a 17.5lb carp ...lured in by a single piece of sweetcorn.

Matt Taylor took his son, Tommy, who is six and goes to St Joseph’s Primary School, in Dovercourt, on his debut fishing trip to George Hall lakes in Ardleigh.

It was Tommy’s first attempt at the sport and it became a true fisherman’s tale when the youngster managed to catch the monster grass carp which was nearly half his own weight.

The fish was also almost as long as Tommy is tall with the youngster being just a foot taller than the 2ft 9ins carp.

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Mr Taylor, 28, said “We arrived at George Hall early at about 7.30am with a great day of weather ahead of us. Tommy was excited to get his rod set up.

“We had a quick scout around and picked a spot, so set his rod up and he chose his bait – a single piece of sweetcorn – before casting it about three feet out.

“Tommy waited and watched while I set up my rod and within 15 minutes he was saying ‘Daddy, I’ve got one’ as his float disappeared.

“The fight became tough and the fish was testing Tommy’s very light set-up and rushing wasn’t an option.

“After ten minutes the fish started to tire and we were able to reel it into the net and secure his first ever fish.”

Mr Taylor, who works as an events executive at Ministry of Sound, explained the day added to his already great memories at the lake.

“I chose George Hall as our first outing due to having great memories there before and it didn’t disappoint.

“Overall we had seven carp but Tommy’s was the biggest of the day,” he said.

“He was so excited by the whole experience and he wants to continue to fish in his spare time into the future with the hopes of trying to top his personal best over the summer.”