An internet star has hidden £10,000 in a range of UK cities - including Chelmsford.

YouTuber Jack Dean, better known by his handle JaackMaate, has spent ten days travelling around the country hiding golden tickets "potentially worth £10,000" in 51 UK cities for the public to go out and find.

Anyone who finds a ticket will win a share of the £10,000.

To help find the tickets, a video on JaackMaate's YouTube channel shows the location of each of the tickets.

Jack and his pals are seen walking through the city and running across a road before choosing a location to hide the ticket. 

It appears to be in the city's Central Park. 

All the tickets are hidden inside a golden box. 

You can watch the video here:

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The location of the Chelmsford ticket is revealed about 6 minutes and 54 seconds into the video.

The video is currently trending on Youtube and has had nearly 200,000 views.