Police have visited Gosbecks Archaeological Park after concerned about nesting skylarks. 

Breeding pairs of skylarks are nesting in the long grass areas.

Colchester Council is asking that visitors to the site keep to the mowed paths and large tracks and keep dogs on a lead or under very close control, to avoid disturbing the birds, from now until the end of August.

Skylarks are ground nesting birds and are protected due to declining numbers.

Essex Police's Rural Engagement Team visited the site today after concerns about visitors playing football and allowing dogs in the nesting areas. 

The council’s countryside rangers have installed temporary signage around the areas where they are nesting, giving visitors information about these protected birds and what they can do to support a successful breeding season.

A spokesman for the council said: "These special birds have a beautiful song, and the council is calling out to everyone that visits the site to do their bit to help make sure it can be heard for many years to come."