AS the past 12 months have displaced our social activities, people have found their own unique ways to celebrate.

Banana bread, arduous long walks and Zoom calls, plus the drunk ones to make them bearable, have defined a year like no other.

Trends have come and gone yet one has remained consistent – the lockdown birthday celebration.

How do you perfect it?

While some have gone all out with home festivals, quiz nights and ‘beach’ parties, others have sighed with relief at avoiding all the fuss.


Well, this year, some people will be cursing their misfortune as 2021 throws up a unique window unlikely to ever be seen again.

People born between March 23, the anniversary of the first lockdown, and March 28, the lifting of the Government’s ‘stay at home’ message, will be among an unfortunate minority to have had two birthdays in a full lockdown.

Colchester residents’ resilience to provide happiness and positivity throughout such a tumultuous year has kept people smiling amid so much uncertainty.

We asked people who will be celebrating their birthdays to send in their pictures as we look to spread cheer to those who will be damning their bad luck.